
Invention Services

What can My Idea to Action do for you and your invention idea? My Ideas to Action offers services that can help inventors submit their ideas to companies.

Get Started

My Idea to Action will package your idea, provide a patent referral, and submit your idea to companies who want to receive new ideas.

Virtual Invention

The Virtual Invention Presentation (VIP) is a video containing 3D renderings and computer-generated animation highlighting the main function…

Prototype Model

While an idea may appear crystal clear in an inventor’s mind, others may not always be able to visualize the invention as clearly.

Invention Patent Referrals

Timing is very important when applying for a patent. The United States utilizes a ‘first to file’ system, which means – in a race to the Patent Office…

Virtual Invention Browsing Experience

Are you interested in getting your invention idea in front of companies without having to leave your home? My Idea to Action….